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Mussett Holdings

We are a family having a go at sustainable organic farming using livestock and crops to regenerate the land without chemicals. We sell our pasture raised eggs and our crops from our farm.

Our hens live in a mobile caravan so that we can move them to a fresh patch of pasture every second day. This is so they always have access to fresh grass where they love to scratch, dig and look for bugs and worms. They are outside all day and put themselves to bed at night safe from predators.
By feasting on native grasses, bugs and a natural yogurt we make our hens get a whole lot more vitamins and minerals than they would on pellets alone. Add in the clear benefits of outdoor living - cleaner, less stressful, plenty of fresh air and sunlight - and it's obvious why the eggs taste and are so much better for you.

We have a delivery service in the Southern Highlands.

Eggs - all year round
Garlic - September, October, November

Produce Seasonal Availability
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec